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The Giving Back Series: Continuous Giving

We may label the holidays as the season of giving, but contributing to the community is important year-round. Most businesses remember to give back this time of year, but the best way to make your efforts stand out to both those in need and your clients is to keep the giving going. Here are our top tips for keeping your charitable work on track through every season.

Find a Theme

A theme will help give brand identity to your charitable work without becoming too repetitive. Try organizing events that are all benefitting a similar broad cause, such as children or the environment, then make sure each event is unique to itself. One month you can volunteer at an after-school program, and next month, you can host a book drive.

2. Keep it on Schedule

It’s easy to put off organizing charitable events, but it becomes that much easier to simply let them slide by unplanned month by month. Just as you might lay out your annual marketing plan in November, take time to lay out your annual giving plan. Having a master schedule will help keep everyone on track for upcoming initiatives that need planning.

3. Give Plenty of Notice

The key to successful community initiatives is participation, so it’s important to do whatever you can to help your team commit. You’re off to a great start by simply planning early - giving plenty of notice will allow people the time to schedule accordingly, RSVP, and spread the word.

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